Thermal Imaging

Using thermography to detect Cold Thermal Air Bridges and Reverse Chimney Effects

Thermography, also known as thermal imaging, is a powerful tool that can be used to detect and analyze temperature variations in buildings. It has become increasingly popular in the field of energy efficiency as it allows for the identification of cold thermal air bridges and reverse chimney effects. By utilising thermography, building owners and energy efficiency professionals can take proactive measures to improve the energy performance and comfort of buildings.

2024-10-20T14:19:04+00:00October 20th, 2024|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , |

Roof Thermography Solar Inspections: A Guide to IEC 62446-3:2017 Standards

This guide provides an in-depth understanding of commercial roof thermography solar panel inspections, focusing on the IEC 62446-3:2017 standards. It covers the importance of these inspections, the process involved, and how to interpret the results, ensuring your solar panels are efficient, safe, and compliant with international standards.

Solar farm IEC inspection at Trethosa in Cornwall

Conducting an IEC inspection at Trethosa, Cornwall's solar farm for Natural Generation Ltd.Drone Media Imaging examined the solar panels in line with IEC 62446-3:2017 to ensure compliance with safety standards, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the solar farm.

Thermal Imaging of your Home – Can you detect heat loss?

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